Faculty and Staff Contacts

Last Name First Name Subject/Department Phone Ext. Email Address
Buchanan Ryan Math Ext. 266 ryan.buchanan@assumptionhigh.org
Bush Kelly Dir. of Student Wellness/Social Studies Ext. 212 kelly.bush@assumptionhigh.org
Campbell Zach English Ext. 200 zach.campbell@assumptionhigh.org
Carlson Ben Religion Ext. 257 ben.carlson@assumptionhigh.org
Chanez Susan Math/Business Ext. 267 susan.chanez@assumptionhigh.org
Craig Andy President Ext. 225 andy.craig@sccsiowa.org
Crespo Vanessa Spanish Ext. 290 vanessa.crespo@assumptionhigh.org
Day-Steimle Lynn Academic Advisor Ext. 238 lynn.day@assumptionhigh.org
Eliopulos Caitlin Math Ext. 271 caitlin.eliopulos@assumptionhigh.org
Frieden Bridget Attendance Ext. 260 bridget.frieden@assumptionhigh.org
Frieden Mike Director of Student Success Ext. 224 mike.frieden@assumptionhigh.org
Garcia Keyera Front Office Ext. 200 keyera.garcia@assumptionhigh.org
Gilbraith Nate Social Studies Ext. 265 nate.gilbraith@assumptionhigh.org
Goedken Brad Math Ext. 268 brad.goedken@assumptionhigh.org
Gonzales Sara Science Ext. 276 sara.gonzales@assumptionhigh.org
Guldenpfennig Jackie Director of Transportation Ext. 220 jackie.guldenpfennig@assumptionhigh.org
Hansen Brenda Science Ext. 241 brenda.hansen@assumptionhigh.org
Huber Sue Family/Consumer Science Ext. 208 sue.huber@assumptionhigh.org
Imborek Natalie Religion Ext. 256 natalie.imborek@assumptionhigh.org
Israel Kitty English Ext. 279 kitty.israel@assumptionhigh.org
Johnson Jim Social Studies Ext. 213 nate.gilbraith@assumptionhigh.org
King Wade Athletic Director Ext. 245 wade.king@assumptionhigh.org
Loes Trevor Vocal Music/Choir Ext. 240 trevor.loes@assumptionhigh.org
Mahr Erin Instrumental Music/Band Ext. 235 erin.mahr@assumptionhigh.org
Martin Wendy Science Ext. 206 wendy.martin@assumptionhigh.org
McGuire Amy English Ext. 218 amy.mcguire@assumptionhigh.org
Mokosak Donica Front Office Ext. 210 donica.mokosak@assumptionhigh.org
Moore Andy LRC Ext. 251 andy.moore@assumptionhigh.org
Murphy Bridget Principal/Math Ext. 289 bridget.murphy@assumptionhigh.org
Prince Kennedy Physical Education Ext. 214 kennedy.prince@assumptionhigh.org
Quested Tammy Student Services/Registrar Ext. 237 tammy.quested@assumptionhigh.org
Robinson Zac Religion Ext. 255 zac.robinson@assumptionhigh.org
Schotz Paul Physical Education Ext. 239 paul.schotz@assumptionhigh.org
Schroeder Stephanie Dir. of Admissions Ext. 230 stephanie.schroeder@assumptionhigh.org
Sexton Michelle Visual Art Ext. 253 michelle.sexton@assumptionhigh.org
Smyth Bridget English Ext. 219 bridget.smyth@assumptionhigh.org
Staudt Molly Spanish Ext. 261 molly.staudt@assumptionhigh.org
Tillman Caid Study Hall Ext. 272 caid.tillman@assumptionhigh.org
Wallace Rona Science Ext. 275 rona.wallace@assumptionhigh.org
Walter Keri Math/Science Ext. 273 keri.walter@assumptionhigh.org
Weaver David Cafeteria Ext. 243 david.weaver@assumptionhigh.org
Weeks Monica Spanish Ext. 286 monica.weeks@assumptionhigh.org
Worrell Sr. Anthony Religion Ext. 254 anthony.worrell@assumptionhigh.org