Important Dates and Items for the 2024-2025 School Year

Please mark your calendars for the following dates!

Drop-In Registration and School Yearbook Picture Days: July 29th from 10am-1pm, or August 5th from 10am-1pm

Be on the lookout for a more detailed “Back to School 2024-2025 Information Letter” by email soon. Please take note of these dates as every student will need to stop in on one of the days, drop off important paperwork, and have a school year photo taken along with some other important items.

Some pre check-off items so that you are coming to registration days well prepared for the 2024-2025 year:

  • SENIORS are required to provide an updated immunization record reflecting the 2nd Meningitis Vaccine (MenACWY or Men ABCWY) required by the Scott County Health Dept. (Please look for an email with more information regarding this vaccine as we are required by law to have this record before a student is to attend school as a senior. You will not receive an email if your have one on file.) You can also email this record to at any time.
  • FRESHMEN are required to bring a Certificate of Dental Screening
  • ALL ATHLETES are required to have an Iowa Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Examination  and a Heads Up Concussion Form  signed and turned in with the physical. *It is highly recommended that even if you don’t plan to play a sport, that a physical is obtained and turned in so you are eligible to play a sport at any point in the year!


Assumption High School Application 2024-2025 School Year

Annual Application Instructions 2024-2025 (Must complete for all new and returning students.)

Website for Scott County Catholic Schools (SCCS) Application

To complete the Annual Information Update or to apply to become a new student to SCCS, please visit:


New SCCS Students

Any new students will click “Get Started.” This is only for students new to Scott County Catholic Schools.

Students Returning to SCCS

Select ‘Login.” Your PowerSchool username and password is used to login to complete the Annual Information Update.

Annual Application Fee

A non-refundable $125 annual fee per student is due at the time of application.  A $25 discount will apply for application fees paid prior to March 1st.  Applications will not be considered if the application fee has not been paid.

For students already in the SCCS system:

Parents can pay for application fees through their Blackbaud account ( ), under the shopping cart.  There will be an item for 24-25 Application Fees.


For new incoming students, please use the following link:  Please include the names and grades of all students.


ESA Families

The ESA application for the 24-25 school year is not yet open.  Families will receive a communication when the state opens this, so they will be able to take the necessary steps to assure tuition payments are set up for their student(s).

Scholarships and Tuition Assistance Updates

Assumption has several endowed scholarships that are granted each year in late May. Due to the implementation of ESA (Education Savings Account) funding, scholarship awards have been temporarily put on hold.  Notification emails will be sent to the winning scholarship recipients in late July/early August after we receive notification from the state on who will be receiving ESA funding.

Families who have applied for ESA funds and were denied, are encouraged to complete our Family Tuition Plan (FTP) application at the following link Family Tuition Plan Application


8th Grade Social Knight-2023

All registered 2023-2024 incoming freshman are invited to our annual 8th Grade Social Knight!

Join us on Saturday, May 13 from 7-9 pm, in the Assumption Cafeteria.

Dress is casual. Light refreshments will be served. Come enjoy some games, music, and meet your future fellow classmates!

Share the Good News of Catholic Education at Assumption High School!

If you haven’t already, check out our recent Admissions Video! As is typical for spring, we have had a number of potential families inquiring and touring Assumption, and we are excited for the coming school year. Our current families are the best source for sharing information about AHS. If you know of anyone interested in learning more about Assumption, please share the link to our admissions video and encourage them to reach out to our Director of Admissions, Stephanie Schroeder, at  Now is the time to get the word out as students are actively selecting classes for next school year, and our administration and staff are already preparing for the needs of the coming year.  As members of the Assumption family, it is important that we are all active sharers of the exciting and important message of Catholic education for students and families!


AHS Scholarship Applications – Apply by April 15th, 2023

Thanks to generous donor support, Assumption students and families may apply for several scholarship opportunities. There is no limit as to the number of scholarships a student or family may apply to receive. In addition to the scholarships listed below, many Assumption scholarships are also available from local parishes. All applications are confidential.

Scholarship applications must be received no later than April 15th. Scholarship winners will be notified by May 31st.

The single-page application must include:

  • The scholarship name
  • The student’s first and last name
  • The student’s address
  • The student’s grade for the upcoming school year
  • A 100-150 word paragraph, written by the student, indicating why he or she would like to be considered for the scholarship. (The same paragraph may be used for multiple scholarships.)

How to SAVE AND SEND the application:

  • First, please save the file as a .pdf (Adobe PDF) or .doc (Microsoft Word) and name it with the scholarship’s short name and student name as follows: scholarshipshortname-studentname (Example: girlsbb-janesmith)
  • Next, email the file to with the file’s name as the subject line. (Example: girlsbb-janesmith)
  • A separate email must be sent for each application.

Please click the scholarship name for more detailed information and criteria.

AHS Girls’ Basketball Alumni Scholarship
Short Name: GirlsBB
Need Based: No
Average Award: Varies
Renewable: Yes
Other: Awarded to a current team member entering their sophomore thru senior years.

Barrett Family Scholarship
Short Name: Barrett
Need Based: No
Average Award: $500
Renewable: Yes

Bob Beran Memorial Scholarship
Short Name: Beran
Need Based: Yes
Average Award: $500
Renewable: No

John L. and Patricia McCarthy Bush Family Scholarship
Short Name: Bush
Need Based: No
Average Award: $500
Renewable: Yes
Other: Awarded to one male and one female incoming freshman.

Beth Ann Coyne Memorial Scholarship Fund
Short name: Coyne
Need based: Yes
Average Award: $500
Renewable: Yes
Other: Next award in fall 2024

Class of 1999 Alex Velotas Student Athlete Scholarship
Short Name: 1999velotas
Need Based: No
Average Award: $1,000
Renewable: No

Thomas J. Fiedler Scholarship
Short Name: Fiedler
Need Based: No
Average Award: $500
Renewable: No

Holy Family – Downey Education Scholarship
Short Name: HF-Downey
Need Based: No
Average Award: $1,000
Renewable: No

Nancy JoAnn (DeCastaker) Holland Memorial Scholarship
Short Name: Holland
Need Based: No
Average Award: $1,500
Renewable: No
Other: Awarded to female senior who attended All Saints or JFK and is a member of Holy Family or OLV parish.

Edwin and Rupert Kautz Family Scholarship
Short Name: Kautz
Need Based: No
Average Award: $900
Renewable: No
Other: Awarded to incoming freshman; Preference given to parishioners from St. Peter’s and St. Alphonsus.

Richard and Virginia Leese Memorial Scholarship
Short Name: Leese
Need Based: Yes
Average Award: $500
Renewable: Yes
Other: Given to Holy Family parishioners.

Maher Memorial Scholarship
Short Name: Maher
Need Based: No
Average Award: $300
Renewable: Yes
Other: Awarded to incoming freshman from JFK in even numbered years; Applications available from OLV parish.

Frank Martinez Memorial Scholarship
Short Name: Martinez
Need Based: No
Average Award: $400
Renewable: Yes

Jack and Eileen Matson Family Scholarship
Short Name: Matson
Need Based: Yes
Average Award: $500
Renewable: Yes
Other: Preference given to Holy Family parishioners.

Janet and Robert McCabe Family Scholarship
Short Name: McCabe
Need Based: Yes
Average Award: $500
Renewable: No

Katherine S. Molyneaux Memorial Scholarship
Short Name: Molyneaux
Need Based: No
Average Award: $1,500
Renewable: Yes
Other: Awarded to incoming freshman.

Neufeld Instrumental Music Scholarship
Short Name: NeufeldInstr
Need Based: No
Average Award: $500
Renewable: Yes
Other: Awarded to incoming freshman

Neufeld Vocal Music Scholarship
Short Name: NeufeldVocal
Need Based: No
Average Award: $500
Renewable: Yes
Other: Awarded to incoming freshman.

Nolan Family Scholarship
Short Name: Nolan
Need Based: No
Average Award: $500
Renewable: Yes
Other: Awarded to an incoming freshman with an older sibling at Assumption.

Maureen O’Connor Memorial Scholarship
Short Name: OConnor
Need Based: No
Average Award: $400
Renewable: No
Other: Awarded to an incoming senior.

Schmits Family Scholarship
Short Name: Schmits
Need Based: Yes
Average Award: up to $1000
Renewable: No

Andrew Spyrow Boys Basketball Scholarship
Short Name: Spyrow
Need Based: No
Average Award: up to $800
Renewable: Yes

St. Anthony’s and St. Mary’s Parish Scholarship for Catholic Education
Short Name: StAnth
Need Based: Yes
Average Award: $500
Renewable: No
Other: Awarded to a All Saints Catholic School graduate with preference given to St. Anthony’s Catholic Church parishioners.

Sisters of Charity, BVM Endowed Scholarship
Short Name: BVM
Need Based: Yes
Average Award: up to $2,000
Renewable: No
Other: Awarded to incoming freshman. Preference give to immigrant families who belong to Sacred Heart or St. Paul’s parish.

Spirit of 1976 Scholarship
Short Name: Spiritof1976
Need Based: Yes
Average Award: $250
Renewable: No

Sunderbruch O’Donnell Scholarship
Short Name: SOD
Need Based: Yes
Average Award: $500
Renewable: No

Al and Rose Tiedje Scholarship
Short Name: Tiedje
Need Based: No
Average Award: $1,200
Renewable: No

Alex Velotas Scholarship
Short Name: Velotas
Need Based: No
Average Award: $1,500
Renewable: No
Other: Awarded to a student involved in the Assumption athletic program.

The following scholarships have provided assistance through the Family Tuition Plan:
April Knight Scholarship Fund
Roy Bush Memorial Scholarship
Gimbel Family Scholarship
Jean M. Glowacki Memorial Scholarship
Jill Leese McGuire Memorial Scholarship
Walter Family Scholarship

Scholarship Details

AHS Girls’ Basketball Alumni Scholarship
This scholarship, established by girls’ basketball alumni, is given in honor of the program’s rich tradition of excellence. The recipient of this scholarship must be a current member of the Assumption Girls’ Basketball program in grades 10-12 and remain in good standing in both the classroom and on the team. The scholarship will renew each year the student continues to meet the criteria.

Barrett Family Scholarship
The recipient of this scholarship is an in-coming freshman who demonstrates Christian values, performs community service, and applies a strong work ethic to all endeavors. The student must maintain a 2.5 GPA and remain in good standing for the scholarship to renew annually.

Bob Beran Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is a memorial to Bob Beran who was a member of the class of 1975 and tremendously proud to be an Assumption Knight. Bob died as the result of a physiological problem when he was just beginning his professional life. The scholarship is awarded annually to two students of good character whose families struggle with economic barriers.

John L. and Patricia McCarthy Bush Family Scholarship
At the core of Jack and Pat’s existence was their Catholic faith and their family. They were outspoken advocates for the unborn and Catholic education at all levels. This fund awards two $500 scholarships (one female and one male) to incoming 9th graders each year. Applicants should be practicing Catholics, supportive of the prolife movement, have maintained a 3.0 GPA during 8th grade and plan to participate on at least one high school athletic team each year. Scholarships are renewable each year the student continues to meet the criteria.

Beth Ann Coyne Memorial Scholarship Fund
The scholarship is funded by Joe (Class of 1966) and Jai Coyne to memorialize Beth Ann Coyne who graduated from Assumption High School in 1973. The scholarship will award $500 to an incoming freshman student who demonstrates financial need, with a 3.0 GPA in grade school, and with a special interest in Mathematics and/or Science. The scholarship will renew each year the student maintains a 3.0 cumulative GPA. The next award will be in the fall of 2024.

Class of 1999 Alex Velotas Student Athlete Scholarship
This annual scholarship is in memory of Alex Velotas, a sophomore at AHS when he died in 1996. He had a passion for sports and a welcoming smile. He upheld Christian values and actively demonstrated loyalty and leadership.  Alex was a part of the Class of 1999 who would like to honor his memory by assisting a student who upholds Alex’s qualities. The recipient must be involved in the Assumption athletic program and maintain a 3.0 GPA.

Thomas J. Fiedler Scholarship
This scholarship is a tribute to Thomas Fiedler, Class of ’59, who was president of Assumption’s first graduating class. The scholarship is awarded annually to a student who displays high personal standards and provides a “positive voice” among his/her peers.

Holy Family – Downey Education Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a student from Holy Family parish (Davenport) who has a desire to attend Assumption High School. The recipient of this scholarship demonstrates Christian values by being an active and participating parishioner at the parish level, performs community service, and applies a strong work ethic to all endeavors.

Nancy JoAnn (DeCastaker) Holland Memorial Scholarship
This annual $1,500 scholarship is given in Honor of Nancy and her long, courageous struggle with breast cancer, as well as her love and pride in Assumption High School and her Catholic education.  Nancy was a member of the Assumption Class of 1966 and a graduate of Holy Family School.  This memorial scholarship will be given to a female senior student who graduated from All Saints or John F. Kennedy Catholic schools and is a member of either Holy Family or Our Lady of Victory parishes, has been an active member of the National Honor Society for at least the past two years and who has exhibited good sportsmanship as well as pride in her Catholic education.

Edwin and Rupert Kautz Family Scholarship
The Edwin and Rupert Kautz Family Scholarship awards a scholarship each fall to an in-coming freshman who is seeking a quality education, has a GPA of 3.0 and is willing to work for a promising future. The applicant should discuss future aspirations and goals on the application. Please also list involvement in extra-curricular activities such as hobbies, clubs, sports, work or volunteer experiences. All students may apply, but preference will be given to applicants from either St. Peter’s or St. Alphonsus Catholic Church.

Richard and Virginia Leese Memorial Scholarship
This annual scholarship is in memory of Richard and Virginia Leese who, after 64 years of marriage, passed away in 2006 and 2011, respectively. The Leese’s were staunch supporters of Holy Family parish and Assumption High School with 10 children and many grandchildren graduating through the years. Applicants should be a member of Holy Family parish, facing a financial barrier and who maintains a GPA of 3.0. Scholarships are renewable each year the student continues to meet the criteria.

Maher Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is a memorial to William and Marlene Maher. The recipient must be an Assumption freshman in the fall of even numbered years, be a graduate of John F. Kennedy Catholic School, maintain a 2.5 GPA and be involved in extracurricular activities. Please contact Our Lady of Victory for application procedures.

Frank Martinez Memorial Scholarship
Frank Martinez was a lifelong, devout Catholic who valued the importance of faith-based education. Mr. Martinez’s dream was for all his grandchildren to attend Assumption High School. This scholarship, which honors his dedication and understanding of the importance of Catholic education, is awarded to outstanding students from diverse backgrounds who demonstrate Catholic values and are involved in at least one extracurricular athletic activity. The student must maintain a 3.0 GPA and remain in good standing for the scholarship to renew annually.

Jack and Eileen Matson Family Scholarship
This scholarship honors Jack and Eileen Matson. Jack was a U.S. Navy Veteran, devoted member of Holy Family Catholic Church, the Knights of Columbus #563, and American Legion Post #26. Eileen is a devoted member of Holy Family Catholic Church and worked for Holy Family School. They were dedicated to Catholic education, sending their six children to Assumption. This scholarship, honoring Jack and Eileen’s commitment to Catholic education, is awarded to students who demonstrate financial need, hold at least a 2.5 GPA, and participate in at least one extra-curricular activity. Although not a requirement, preference is given to applicants from Holy Family parish.

Janet and Robert McCabe Family Scholarship
Janet and Robert McCabe are generous supporters of Catholic education in Scott County. To “pay it forward” so others can share in an Assumption education, the McCabe’s are offering an annual $500 scholarship. This needs-based scholarship is available to any student who exhibits good character through their actions.

Jill Leese McGuire Memorial Scholarship
A 1969 graduate of Assumption High School, Jill Leese McGuire was dedicated to Assumption and its mission. She and her husband, Mike, sent their three sons to Assumption, and Jill co-chaired the first annual April Knight Gala, which, through her efforts, continues to be Assumption’s signature fundraising event. This scholarship honoring Jill’s dedication to service and Catholic education is awarded to students with financial need who demonstrate Catholic values and service to others.

Katherine S. Molyneaux Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded to an incoming freshman student with a special interest in English, Literary Arts or Journalism. If a student is not found to meet this criteria, the scholarship may be awarded to an in-coming freshman with a special interest and ability in any of the liberal arts. The scholarship will renew each year the student maintains a 3.5 cumulative GPA.

Neufeld Instrumental Music Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to an incoming freshman participating in band. The application must also include a recommendation from the grade school principal and verification that the student had a cumulative GPA of 2.5 from 7th and 8th grades. The scholarship will be renewed each year the student continues to meet the criteria.

Neufeld Vocal Music Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to an incoming freshman participating in vocal music. The application must also include a recommendation from the grade school principal and verification that the student had a cumulative GPA of 2.5 from 7th and 8th grades. The scholarship will be renewed each year the student continues to meet the criteria.

Nolan Family Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by the Nolan family to honor their parents, John and Frances Nolan, who gave their five children the blessing of receiving a Catholic education at Assumption High School. This scholarship will award $500 to an incoming freshman with an older sibling at Assumption who has a B average (3.0) in grade school and will repeat each year that the student maintains that B average in high school.

Maureen O’Connor Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established as a lasting tribute to Miss O, who taught in the Assumption Math Department for 39 years. It is awarded annually to an incoming senior who displays high personal standards, celebrates a love for life and shows genuine concern for all members of the Assumption Family.

Schmits Family Scholarship
This scholarship reflects the Schmits family’s longtime support of Davenport’s Catholic education system with three Assumption graduates. The successful applicant will have a financial need and desire to also support Catholic educational choices in the future.

Andrew Spyrow Boys Basketball Scholarship
The Andrew Spyrow Scholarship is an annual scholarship in memory of Andrew Spyrow, Class of ’03, whose life was tragically cut short due to cancer. During his time at Assumption, Andy was a student-athlete, who showed leadership and unwavering dedication to excellence, both on the basketball court and as a member of the student body. The recipient of this scholarship must present the same leadership, dedication to excellence, and strong moral character Andy showed throughout his life. The recipient must be involved in the Assumption Boys’ Basketball team and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00.

St. Anthony’s and St. Mary’s Parish Scholarship for Catholic Education
This annual scholarship provides assistance to a student who attended All Saints Catholic School with preference given to St. Anthony’s parishioners. The recipient must hold at least a 3.0 GPA. The criteria used in evaluating applications includes: financial need, involvement at church, school and community events and academic achievement.

Sisters of Charity, BVM Endowed Scholarship
This annual scholarship provides assistance to an incoming freshman to Assumption High School. The applicant must qualify for tuition assistance through the Family Tuition Plan and should have a history of academic success by earning average or above average grades. Preference will be given to students from an immigrant family who are parishioners of Sacred Heart or St. Paul the Apostle parishes.

Spirit of 1976 Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by the Class of 1976 who want to pay forward the blessing they had of receiving a Catholic education at Assumption High School. This scholarship will award $250 to a female student and $250 to a male student and is based upon financial need.

Sunderbruch O’Donnell Scholarship
This annual scholarship is a memorial to Tommy Sunderbruch, Johnny O’Donnell, and their uncle, Norman Ash’65, who died in a car accident in 1978. The scholarship is to help students whose families struggle with economic barriers.

Al and Rose Tiedje Scholarship
This scholarship was established as a lasting tribute to Al and Rose Tiedje and their four children, all of whom received Catholic educations from Assumption High School, St. Ambrose Academy, or Immaculate Conception Academy. Applicants should be practicing Catholics in a Davenport parish, have attended a Catholic grade school, demonstrated a spirit of stewardship in their parish, and maintained a 3.0 GPA during the previous school year.

Alex Velotas Scholarship
This annual scholarship is a memorial to Alex Velotas who was a sophomore at AHS when he died in 1996. He was an outstanding student, athlete and young Christian man. The recipient of this one-year scholarship must be involved in the Assumption athletic program, maintain a 3.0 GPA and be of good character.

AHS 8th Grade Parent Meeting – Wednesday, January 25th

Our annual 8th grade parent meeting will be held January 25, 2023 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the AHS Sunderbruch Auditorium. The meeting is open to all families of current 8th graders who are interested in attending Assumption High School for the 2023-2024 school year. The meeting will provide opportunities to meet with administration, athletics, fine arts, student services, and the business office. For more information, please contact Stephanie Schroeder at


Student Information Update (Required For All Current and New Families)

All current and new families are required to update their student information via the link below. Please be aware of a new field to enter your students make, model, and color of the car they will be driving to school, as well as their license plate number (required).  After this information is provided, please have your student stop by the office for a parking sticker. For students who already have a parking sticker, please provide the number in the tag number field. Please also note the directory contact information (optional) that can be selected and updated.

Student Information Update Link