Community Service Opportunity at St. Paul the Apostle

Labor of Love Fall Cleanup Day 11/16

About the Event:

St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church is hosting a Fall Cleanup Day on Saturday, November 16. Our dedicated volunteers will be happy to lend a hand with tasks like:

• Raking leaves
• Clearing brush or branches
• Moving patio furniture into storage

If you have other outdoor chores in mind, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We’re happy to see what we can do.

Why are we doing this?

Simply because we love our neighbors! We’re not expecting any payment. We aren’t asking people to come to church. We just want to be a good neighbor and show our gratitude for your friendship.

Need Help?

If you’re a homeowner in need of assistance, click here to sign up or call our parish office at (563) 322-7994. Our volunteer crews will be happy to lend a hand.

Want to Volunteer?

Join us as a volunteer and help your neighbors! Click here to sign up or call our parish office at (563) 322-7994 to be part of a cleanup crew.

Student Service Opportunity – SPS

SPS is in need of helpers to run their concession stand this winter. The following dates and times are available on a first come first serve basis. If interested please email Mr. Bevins at Thank you.

1/7/24 @ AHS 12:00-3:00

1/9/24 @ SPS 4:00-8:00

1/18/24 @ SPS 4:00-7:00

1/29/24 @ SPS 4:00-7:00

2/5/24 @ SPS 4:00-7:00

2/13/24 @ SPS 4:00-7:00

2/11/24 @ AHS 12:00-3:00

Student Service Opportunity

Our Lady of Victory Parish is looking for volunteers for their annual bazaar:


November 2nd –  we need some students to help move the tables from the garage at the office to the gym and set them up.  This will be from 4:30 to 6:00 at the most.  The tables are all plastic now and no wooden (heavy) ones. We will have trucks to load into.


November 4th and 5th – we need students to assist in the jewelry room running the sold bags to the cashiers. We need students to assist in the holding area to sit and take sold items, tag them with customers name, store them in holding area, retrieve them when customers come back.  This is a 2 hour shift.  We ask the students wear dark pants and white shirt.

We need students to assist with carrying items to customers cars as needed.  Again this is a 2 hour shift and again same attire.


The shifts are:

Saturday, November 4th   8-10am,,  10-12:00,  12-2:00 and 2-4:00pm

Sunday, November 5th    9-11:00,  11:-1:00pm


They may need help with crafters on Friday but I will share with you once

identify times.  The crafters check in and we just need people to help carry in sometimes.  We help direct them to where their spot is for the bazaar.


On Sunday 1:30 – tear down. Moving all the plastic tables back to garage.

We will have trucks to load them into.

Please email Jackie at with what they would like to work would be greatly appreciated.


Take care and feel free to call if questions


Jackie Staron



Service Opportunity – OLV Christmas Bazaar

November 4-6 Friday, Saturday and Sunday

We are looking for assistance for our Christmas Bazaar.

Friday we could use workers to carry tables and supplies from

downstairs to our gym area and also help the crafters bring in their crafts

that will be sold.

On Saturday and Sunday we could use assistance with our holding area

where we take the crafts -check them and mark them in our holding area as

people continue to shop.

Sunday we need assistance with carrying the tables and supplies

back downstairs.  This begins about 12:00 and takes a few hours


Please contact Jackie Staron (text or call ) if would like some

service hours with this event.  563-529-2926

Service Opportunity – The All Saints Catholic School and Holy Family Church Christmas Bazar

The All Saints Catholic School and Holy Family Church Bazaar will be coming up on November 5th & 6th and we need your help. The bazaar is a big fundraiser for our school and donations of items for the bake sale are needed as well as volunteers. For more information contact Cassandra Collum at

Saturday, Nov. 5th 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. 

Sunday, Nov. 6th 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.  

Please Sign up at the link to volunteer by Nov. 2nd.

  1. DONATIONS: Bake sale items (including gluten free and sugar-free items welcomed), craft items and Once Again Treasure items (Treasure items are gently used items for regifting, but not clothing). Craft and Treasure items can be dropped off anytime at the school or church offices or at Bazaar Workshops on Wednesdays from 9:00-11 a.m. or 6:30-8 p.m. in Enright Hall. Bake sale items should be brought to the school Friday, Nov. 4th between 12-6 p.m.
  2. BAKE SALE:  Volunteers are needed to price items from 3-6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 4th and to work the bake sale area on Saturday, Nov. 5th from 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. and Sunday from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
  3. Checkout/Cashier: Volunteers are needed to work the checkout area on Saturday, Nov. 5th from 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. and Sunday from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
  4. Kitchen: Volunteers are needed to work the kitchen area on Saturday, Nov. 5th from 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. and Sunday from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Student Volunteer Opportunity for St. Paul Concessions

SPS is looking for Concession Stand Volunteers for the upcoming volleyball and boys basketball season. All dates will be at SPS unless otherwise noted. If you are interested please contact Mr. Bevins. His email is


10/17 4:00-7:00

11/1 4:00-8:00

11/6 @ AHS 12:00-3:30

11/10 4:00-8:00

11/17 4:00-8:00

11/28 4:00-8:00

12/4 4:00-8:00

1/8 @ AHS 12:00-4:00

1/17 4:00-8:00

1/26 4:00-8:00

2/2 4:00-8:00

2/9 4:00-8:00

2/12 @ AHS 12:00-4:00

2/26 @ AHS 12:00-4:00


Thank You