Adult Volunteer Opportunities

Many hands make the load lighter for the work done within the Assumption community! Assumption is very grateful for all who sacrifice time to volunteer. A variety of support organizations exist within the community. If you would like to help out in a way other than those listed below, please contact the school at 326-5313 ext. 200.

Contact: Susie Foster – 563-326-5313 x 281,
Committees Meet: Monthly August-December; bi-weekly/weekly January-April
April Knight began in 1987 as a time to gather and celebrate our school. It represents Assumption’s largest fundraiser and helps fund facility improvements, classroom materials, technology upgrades, and student activities in Academics, Athletics and Fine Arts, benefiting all students at Assumption High School. This festive and very fun evening, which includes fantastic food, adult beverages, music, dancing and live and silent auctions, is held in the creatively transformed gym at Assumption. Additionally, cash raffle tickets are sold by our students February – April culminating in the drawing of the winners the night of the event. Many hands contribute to the great success of April Knight and we have a place for you, whatever your talent! Help make the evening a success by selling raffle tickets, procuring auction items, decorating, helping during the auction, putting your computer skills to work, assisting with check-in, check-out, set-up, or clean-up.

Contact: Susie Foster
– 563-326-5313 x 281,
The parents of each class at Assumption hold a social fundraiser during the school year. The purpose is two-fold, an opportunity to meet other parents and raise money to purchase a gift donated to the April Knight Auction. The April Knight Committee is currently looking for a family in each grade to volunteer to host a gift gathering party at their home as well as other parents to assist with financial and food/drink donations. If you are interested, please reach out to Susie Foster, April Knight Coordinator.

Contact: Wade King – 563-326-5313 x 245 or
Meets: Bi-monthly
The Athletic Booster Club raises funds to support Assumption’s Athletic Programs. Funds help with the purchase of athletic uniforms, send athletes to state competitions, and underwrite the cost of seasonal sports banquets. There are several volunteer opportunities surrounding sports button sales, clothing sales, football tailgaters, the annual golf outing, and the Snowball Shootout. The Booster Club is looking for board member successors as well as additional members to head up new and exciting projects!

Contact: Liz King Powers – 563-326-5313 x 228 or 
Meets: Monthly
Backstage Angels is a group of dedicated theater parents who help with Assumption’s theater program in several areas, including selling concessions, tickets, and flowers for each play, assisting in finding props, providing meals for the cast and crew the week of a show, and helping to fundraise for large projects. Backstage Angels are a key ingredient in what make the Knight Players so successful. Whether you have a son or daughter on stage or behind the scenes, or you simply have a love of the arts, plan to attend the next Backstage Angels meeting!

Contact: Wade King – 563-326-5313 x 245 or
The AHS Century Club consists of parents and community members dedicated to supporting, encouraging, and advancing the athletic programs of AHS. The club supports projects to improve facilities and equipment necessary to provide an adequate athletic program for the school. The Century Club’s only fundraising is done through membership dues which are collected in conjunction with an annual Steak Fry held in August. There is a Century Club Board which meets as needed for event planning, key decision making and annual review. The Century Club meets once a year at the annual Steak Fry – all are encouraged to attend!

Contact: Bridget Murphy – 563-326-5313 x 289 or
Meets: Meetings are held according to the school calendar in the AHS Library. Most meetings begin with a social at 6:30 p.m. with the meeting to follow at 7 p.m.
Knight Network’s role is to support the mission of Assumption High School, to promote volunteerism, and to allow opportunities for parents of Assumption students to get to know one another better. This mission is fulfilled through supporting school events in the form of food, volunteers, and financial contributions. Knight Network provides refreshments for class retreats, NHS, and Catholic Schools Week. Members also decorate the school for Christmas and organize the candy distribution on St. Nick’s Day (a student favorite). This group plays a major role with regard to volunteer efforts for April Knight and Post Prom. Knight Network values the teachers and staff at AHS and provides monthly teacher treats for staff meetings. Lunch or dinner is also provided during conferences and select teacher in-service meetings. Knight Network is proud to be an integral part of AHS. Getting involved with this organization is an easy way to get to know people and support the AHS family. Please consider joining the Knight Network, as many hands make light work!

Contact: Erin Mahr – 563-326-5313 ext.235 or
Meets: Bi-monthly
Music Boosters supports Assumption’s music program by raising funds to support the band and choir instructors’ needs in various areas including instrument purchase and upkeep, sheet music, uniform replacement, and sending students to summer music camps. Last year the music boosters raised funds to help students take a trip to Minneapolis, where they sang for Mass at the Basilica of St. Mary, saw a Peter Schikle concert, saw the Chameleon Theater Company’s production of Jesus Christ Superstar, and participated in masterclasses at Luther College.

Bridget Murphy – 563-326-5313 x 289 or
Meets: Monday mornings from 10-11AM in the AHS Chapel throughout the school year. Please consider joining fellow Assumption parents in prayer. The group meets every Monday in the Assumption Chapel from 10-11 a.m. The AHS Chapel hosts parents/family/friends to lift the needs of students, faculty, and community in prayer. A large focus of prayer comes from submitted prayer requests. If interested in attending or submitting a request for prayer, please call the AHS Front Office 563-326-5313 x 200 or email