April Knight Ladies Luncheon Spring 2024!

Things we never tried before, AHS Annual Ladies Luncheon in spring, 2024! The Ladies Luncheon supporting April Knight will be held on Friday, March 22, 2024 at the Outing Club.

Your participation is essential for the success of the event which benefits Assumption Students.  Please not only attend the event, but bring a friend or recruit a table.  We are asking for a Hostess donation of $125.00 (this includes your lunch.) We would love to have as many hostesses sponsor this effort as possible and will accept hostess payments up to the date of the luncheon. Those hostesses who have responded on or before Friday, February 16th will be named on the printed invites. Thanks so much for your consideration of this leadership level donation!

Contact Donica Mokosak if you are interested in being a hostess. Donica can be reached at phone- 563-326-5313 ext. 200, and email- Donica.mokosak@assumptionhigh.org. Your check can be made out to SCCS with April Knight Ladies Luncheon in the memo line. Please mail checks to Assumption High School, 1020 W Central Park Ave, Davenport, IA 52804. Or drop off your cash or check at the AHS front office.

Thank you for your time and generosity to April Knight and Assumption High School!

Joan Evans, Chair