Mrs. Lamp is looking for upperclassmen to participate in Academic Decathlon! Meetings begin October 5th!
Academic Decathlon is the premier scholastic competition for high-school students; it combines a Quiz Bowl competition with paper-and-pencil testing and presents students with a unique, interdisciplinary approach to developing skills. This AHS club brings together academics, communication, and teambuilding in a competitive framework that reinvigorates learning. Because each decathlete participates in all ten Decathlon events, students participating in the program enjoy a well-rounded scholastic experience that enables them to develop their strengths and overcome their weaknesses. Decathlon events include subject tests in eight academic categories (Art, Music, Economics, Literature, Science, Math, Social Studies, and Essay) and two interpersonal-skills events (Interview, and Speech).
Participating in Academic Decathlon requires once-a-week attendance at a 15-minute meeting. The club meets in Mrs. Lamp’s room on Friday mornings from 7:25 to 7:40.
There are two competition weekends: Regionals are held Saturday, January 26th, and State will be in March. If we should make it to Nationals, they are held in April.
Academic Decathlon encourages personal and academic growth, looks great on resumes, and doesn’t take a ton of time! If a Test-taking / Quiz Bowl competition sounds like an activity your student might enjoy, please encourage him or her to come to our first meeting!