AHS Parents in Prayer Group – Every Thursday at 9 AM – All Are Welcome!

The AHS Prayer Group invites all parents, alumni, and friends of AHS to join us for Rosary.  We will gather each Thursday in the AHS Chapel at 9 AM. This is a unique and special prayer opportunity.  We pray for the students (each by name, one class per week), pray for the students’ intentions (prayer boxes are available in several of the teachers’ rooms), intentions for our entire AHS community, and then conclude praying the Rosary together. Come as you are and come when you are able and your schedule allows (Please enter using the main entrance).  Although many of you may work during the day and may not be able to join us, please know, we are happy to lift any intentions you may have and we ask that you remember our prayer gathering and join us in spirit.


Questions:  Megan Wilson  254-394-0350

Prayer Requests:  AHSprayers@gmail.com